The Sky and The Sea

The Sky and Sea

“Like a table of glasslike infinity.

Where the sky & sea kiss eternally,

With reflections of memories lost,

With tears of grief & ecstasy tossed,

Where space & time merge into one,

Where two souls & love, forever, live on.”

~Susie Vaughan

About SusieSmithVaughan

I AM a writer with a Passion to Inspire and Encourage Women to Write Boldly; to Find your Voice and to Tell your story; To Be and Do your Best. Also, To seek God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and to Love God, and Love Others as yourself.
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1 Response to The Sky and The Sea

  1. πŸ’• great post again. I could read your work all the time; look forward to seeing more from you πŸ™‚

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